Saturday, January 31, 2009

Pastor's Desk 1 February 2009

In today's Gospel Story (Mark 1: 21-28)  the people say Jesus teaches with authority and not like the scribes.  The scribes were not bad people.  Jesus just taught differently from the way they taught. He taught from his own experienced love of his Father, while they taught from the perspective of law. For them, following God was doing the right things the right way.  For Jesus, it was living in love first from the Father, and then with everyone.

There is always a danger that following the traditions of a given religion might become an end in itself, and get in the way of what the traditions point to.  In our case as Catholics, it is easy to forget where our traditions, beliefs, and practices are pointing -- experiencing and knowing beyond words God loving us.  It is easy, too, to focus on what we do, and not let ourselves be drawn to awareness of grace happening in and around us.

Jesus' authority came out of his living in his Father's love.  He was teaching from his own experience, and not just passing on what he had learned from someone else. This is the origin of the Scriptures.  People at different times and places had an experience of God. They tried to lead others to have their own experience through stories which they arranged and wrote down under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. This is the new teaching with authority.

In the Gospel, authority is not the power to force someone do something.  It involves speaking truth which of itself draws us on, assuming we are open to being led beyond our comfort zone.  The truth of the Gospel is love -- our Father loves us first, and our response, when we have begun to experience this love, is to live it out in service to others.

Perhaps the story of the man with the unclean sprit might be a symbol of ourselves when we are confronted with Jesus' love.  Part of us does not want to hear it, because there might responsibilities we don't want to face.  We might be afraid of the peace and freedom that happens as we open ourselves more and more to grace. We might not want to lay aside our need to be tense and fearful in the presence of the distant god we have created for ourselves and who keeps us from knowing the loving God who comes to us in Jesus. We may have to change some of our values and choices, restructure our priorities, let ourselves be led out of ourselves to serve others, give up our need to be in control, whatever. We fear being led beyond what we know to experience what we do not know. This is not nice, even when we sense that it is Jesus who is calling us. It is far easier to keep him at a distance than to know him really loving us in our everyday life, really with us and involved in everything.

Jesus' teachings are different, especially so in our times. We live in a time when established orders are coming into question, when there are people who hurt so much that the only way they can deal with their pain is to inflict more pain on others, when trust is often met by betrayal, when love is seen as weakness, peace is seen as something imposed by force.  Jesus' teaching strikes a cord deep within the human heart.  It cannot be imposed by force, and can be taught only by example, which in turn can be lived only through a commitment to prayer and openness.  Each of us who espouses a religion and calls ourself a follower of Christ must commit to living as He did -- rooted solidly and prayerfully in our Father's love.  Then, and only then, will we share in this "new teaching with authority".

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Pastor's Desk, 25 January 2009

25 January 2009

From the Pastor's Desk . . .

In today’s Gospel Story (Mark 1:14-20) Jesus invites several fishermen to “Come, follow me”. They leave their father, abandon their nets and follow him. If we are remotely serious about trying to be open to Jesus we will hear him invite us to “Come, follow me”.  How, or if, we respond is our choice. This is how we work out God’s will for us --  by following Jesus in the ordinary events of our everyday life while doing our best to remain rooted in our life with him and going wherever this takes us.

As with the men in the Story, it is possible that Jesus might invite us to abandon some things that have become pretty important to us. From time to time we will face difficult choices. Our tradition is filled with people who have heard such an invitation from Jesus and have followed him. Nowhere does Jesus say, “Come follow me and I will make you comfortable and secure”. He says, “Come follow me and I will make you fishers of men”. He calls us to follow him in bring his Father’s love to others around us. It is quite possible that if we try to follow him in this way we and what we do will be neither understood nor appreciated. We in the military know what this is like in a very real sense.

While our relationship with Jesus is personal, it is never private, never just “me and Jesus”. It always is with, through, and for others. We learn what Jesus is inviting us to both in our time with him and our interaction and involvement with the others in our life. Each provides depth and richness to the other as we live the time we spend with Jesus through our everyday dealings and relationships. Prayer is not an escape, but our response to Jesus inviting us to greater involvement in his mission of bringing his Father’s love to all creation.

Then there is the Cross – our own and others’. Life is painful and difficult in many ways. All of us have been hurt in any number of ways, and perhaps are hurting now. This is one of the mysteries of life. Healing is real, a facet of God loving us. Most of the time healing is not dramatic, but very quiet and simple, even unobtrusive. Our participation in the healing power of God loving us is inevitable if we are open to Jesus and are really trying to follow him. The odds are we will never even know that we are ministering his love. We don’t have to know, we just have to be willing and open.

In the Opening Prayer we express our belief that, “the love you offer always exceeds the furthest expressions of our human longing, for you are greater than the human heart”. In our efforts to follow Jesus we come to know this, perhaps in very practical ways. We ask him to “direct each thought, each effort of our life”. We have to ask ourselves if we really believe in this, if we really want him to do this in our life, if we are serious about facing our faults and weaknesses, accepting them, and presenting them to him to use as he chooses.

At some point we might ask ourselves if Jesus is really real to us, or is he just some nice idea we hold onto in case it might be true. In Jesus everything comes together, makes sense somehow, shows us the love and goodness that underpins everything. We might come to love life, discover a new richness that has always been there, begin to sense the good that is in every one of us, and maybe even begin to reflect in our own unique (and perhaps not always appreciated) way the love we have begun to know deep within ourselves, as the conditions we have placed on our life.

Tidbits 23 Jan 09

Frog’s Tidbits – 23 January 2009 
It's a lot easier to react than it is to think  . . . 
Mass Servers. It would be neat if we had Mass Servers on a regular basis. All our efforts so far to find and train servers have not worked.  Any thoughts??

Advisory Council. There will be a Pastoral Advisory Council meeting this Monday, 26 January, 1730-1845, in the Post Chapel. In by 1730, out by 1845.

Upcoming Events

  • Sunday, January 25th,   no Confirmation Class
  • January 25th, Parent meeting for 1st Penance
  • February 7th 1st Penance @ 3 p.m
  • March 13, Friday, Bishop Higgins will join us for Confirmation at 1830. More info as things unfold.

Family participation at Mass. It would be great to have more families take part in the Sunday 0900 Mass by writing and reading the intercessions, setting up the altar, and bringing up the gifts. So far it has been working well. I would like to have more families take part. There is nothing to be afraid of, the people at Mass are very friendly. Family time together is important, especially for us in the military. Families spending “quality time” together taking an active part in the Mass is wonderful.

Cultural Influence. There are several cultures represented in our Catholic Community. Is there interest in having some of our cultures expressing themselves in the Sunday Mass? Perhaps in the music?  Fellowship?

Rachel Ministry. We have the opportunity as a parish community to sponsor a Rachel Ministry in some form -- perhaps a retreat or a multi- week interdenominational program. Rachel Ministry is a Catholic and/or interdenominational outreach to all who have been affected by abortion – women and men – having had an abortion, procured or performed an abortion, or simply suffering the loss caused by an abortion.  I think it is a worthwhile ministry.  What do you think? The situation is open and fluid, and if we move in this direction the details still have to be worked out.

Daily Mass.  Mass normally is celebrated on Mondays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays at 1145 in the Blessed Sacrament Chapel, except for non-duty days and holidays. 

Your comments are welcome and encouraged. If you have anything you want me to know just reply to this email or tell me whenever you see me, which is what quite a few people do already.

Take care,  Frog

Picture (Metafile)

James E. Sheil 
Chaplain (MAJ) US Army 
Community Catholic Pastor 
Fort Stewart, GA 31315 

Friday, January 16, 2009

Gospel Thoughts for this Sunday, 18 January 2009

In today’s Gospel Story (John 1:35-42) John points out Jesus, saying, “Behold, the Lamb of God”. Two of John’s followers ask Jesus, “Where are you staying?” He responds, “Come and see”. As they begin to know him, they tell others of their experience, who also come to see who Jesus is. While the Story tells, albeit briefly, of their journey and experience, it also might give us insight into what happens on our journey if we choose to let it.

In any number of ways and at any time(s) in our life we might feel some sort of interest in Jesus that could bring us beyond what we are used to. We might sense that Jesus has something to offer us that is different and perhaps more substantial than what we have known thus far in our life. Then, perhaps, we might ask him our equivalent of, “Where are you staying?” If we choose to be ready, we will hear, “Come and see”. The next question is what we will do about it.

Coming to see where Jesus is staying is a personal choice that no one can make for us. It is a choice that challenges our preconceived ideas about Jesus as he asks us to let him into our life on a very personal and profound level, and in very practical ways. In the Story Jesus gives Simon a new name which shows he is becoming a changed man. In any number of ways this is what happens to us: we begin a journey with Jesus that changes us in ways we could never have imagined. There are popular misconceptions that following Jesus is only for “holy people”, that following Jesus means a life that is dull, uninteresting, and without any fun, but Jesus asks every single one of us for permission to enter our life on an everyday basis. Anyone who has chosen to follow him knows that the journey is exciting and challenging well beyond anything we would have expected. We find ourselves led into situations and relationships we would not have chosen, and yet which are fulfilling and liberating, for lack of better words. Our life and all who are in it take on a new depth and richness as our focus shifts from our own comfort and convenience to amazement and cooperation with out newfound experience of ever-present grace. We consent to Jesus leading us without demanding to know where or how. We just go step by step.

Our journey with Jesus is not all fun and games. There is an element of fear and confusion as our accustomed standards and values are shaken. Life does not get any easier. We come to face our faults and shortcomings, our own personal contributions to the pain and suffering in the world, and begin to know Jesus accepting and loving us in very real and practical ways. There is nothing comfortable about the journey. It is hard work and a constant effort, not always successful, to do battle with our desire to go back to our old ways of comfort and security. Yet in very practical ways we come to know Jesus with us, and this gives us the trust and hope to move ahead in whatever situation we find ourselves, knowing that grace is real, powerful, and unpredictable.

The Opening Prayer tells us what we are beginning to know every day: “Almighty and ever-present Father, your watchful care reaches from end to end and order all things in such power that even the tensions and tragedies of sin cannot frustrate your loving plans”. This becomes the story of our life as we reflect on grace, consent to grace, and go our best to cooperate with grace. We might even to able to say, “We have found the Messiah”. 

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Tidbits 2 January 2009


Frog’s Tidbits – 2 January 2009 
Thank God for a sense of humor . . . its great being able to laugh a lot. Otherwise . . .

Mass Servers.

  • Several Father-Son teams served the Christmas Masses. For me it was a great experience.  Brought back a few memories of my own. Hopefully this will happen again from time to time.
  • Speaking of Mass Servers, there will be a practice for students wanting to serve Mass. We are very relaxed here, and one of my goals is to make sure everybody feels welcomed and safe at Mass. There is no need for anyone to feel embarrassed or afraid of making mistakes. I make more than anybody. So I hope many of our young students will want to serve Mass.  The POC is Catherine Nettles,  876-2004.

Facebook getting better – I think . . . 
The Facebook people are being very helpful, patient, and cooperative, and have cancelled an identity and page or two, so I guess I am having my own identity crisis which, coupled with the “senior days” that happen, gives rise to a certain amount of confusion. This is a work in progress with a steep learning curve.  More to follow . . .

Blog (Seems to be working OK at this point)

Daily Mass 
Mass normally is celebrated on Mondays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays at 1145 in the Blessed Sacrament Chapel, except for non-duty days and holidays. Because of TDYs, daily Mass will resume 12 January.

Your comments are welcome and encouraged. If you have anything you want me to know just reply to this email or tell me whenever you see me, which is what quite a few people do already.

Take care, 
James E. Sheil 
Chaplain (MAJ) US Army 
Community Catholic Pastor 
Fort Stewart, GA 31315 

January 11, Baptism of the Lord

In today’s Gospel Story (Mark 1:7-11) Jesus is baptized by John and the voice from the heavens says, “You are my beloved Son, with you I am well pleased”.  As every one of us has to do in some way, Jesus left home and family and went out on his own. And, as every one of us is invited to do, he let himself be guided by the Spirit as he made his way back to his Father. This Story speaks of some of the encouragement he received from his Father. 

We believe Jesus was a man like us in all things but sin, with the same doubts and fears as we do. However he was more concerned about being with his Father than we are. Often we are afraid to move out on our journey.  We might even say that doubting in any way the god we have received from key people in our youth is sinful. So we keep this god in our head and distant from us as someone to be feared, obeyed, and manipulated. We do not let ourselves come to experience the God who calls us to himself in Christ. It is easier and safer this way. And so, while we grow into adulthood, our idea of God remains what we learned as a child. We do not let him out of our head and into our heart. We project our needs and expectations on God and when he, or those whom we think represent him, don’t live up to them, we blame and walk away. It is his fault, not ours. We need the feeling of control.

As Jesus learned, following the Spirit is dangerous and, at times, frightening.  The ideas we learned as a child seem to fall away and we have nothing with which to replace them.  Gradually we find that we don’t have to replace them.  We come to see them for what they are – pointers to something much greater than we could imagine of ourselves. As Jesus followed the Spirit, he was misjudged, abused, and finally condemned. Yet all the while his center and focus was his relationship with his Father, a relationship he could live and experience, but not describe. This seems to be what happens with people who begin their journey of letting themselves be guided into the unknowable and uncontrollable. Yet, for people who have chosen to be open to Jesus and go with him on this journey, there is no other way. We are dependent on God always and in everything whether we choose to know it or not, but when we come to realize our dependence, this makes a powerful difference in our everyday life. Coming to realize our complete dependence on God always and in everything truly is awesome. Everyone and everything in our life takes on an unexpected and amazing, (and unexplainable) depth and richness. 

God has a strange way of caring for persons who try to lay aside all and follow him: the Cross. The Cross always leads us farther than we really want to go, and it is personal.  One of our great Symbols, it reminds us that when we commit to Christ, our hands are nailed down and there is no way we can hold on to anything.  Ultimately it all comes down to, “Father, into your hands I commend myself”. Gradually we come to know that this is the only way to peace, freedom, and fulfillment – moving towards living in a way that reflects who we really are, an image of God, and we begin to have a sense of what it is to say “yes” to God, and the deep freedom this brings. As the Story speaks to us in whatever is going on in our life, we may also from time to time hear the words, “You are my beloved son/daughter, in you I am well pleased”.  We do not need to feel in control, for however weak and faltering we may be, we are walking with Christ, and in any number of ways our load is getting lighter.

January 4 2009, Epiphany

Today’s Gospel for the feast of Epiphany (Matthew 2:1-12) is the familiar Story of the Magi journeying from far away to find Jesus. In the Story they travel from their homes, their places of safety, and follow the star which is leading them to Jesus. On the way they get lost and sidetracked, and meet King Herod who tries to maneuver them for his own purposes. When we let it, this Story can offer insight and context to our own life, and our own journey, should we choose to make such a journey and follow our own star.

The greatest and most significant journey we make is our inner journey, the journey from the Jesus we know about and keep at a safe distance from any really meaningful involvement in our everyday life to the Jesus we come to know quite well and whom we invite to be very significantly involved in our everyday life. There is a real difference between the two. It is a journey with Jesus from our head into our heart. It is a journey no one can make for us, but which we have to make ourselves, and one that is not forced on us, but offered to us.

If we choose to let ourselves be led to make this journey we lay aside the Jesus we have come to know about from others, follow our own star, which is another way of saying we choose to be open to the unexpected grace of the present moment and go wherever it takes us. We choose to move without placing any restrictions on how we will accept and follow this grace. As did the Magi in the Story, we will get lost and confused, travel through unsafe places – unsafe because we are letting go of so much that we have become accustomed to and familiar with – and many times along the way give serious thought to dropping the whole idea and just stay with what we know and feel safe with.

Sometimes our own star is bright and clear to us, other times we wonder if there ever really was a star or if we were deluded. We may find ourselves in some pain because we just don’t know anymore. We are in the awful position of doubt. When we look back on these experiences, we see they were times when Jesus was preparing us to go much “deeper” in our relationship in him. And it happened. Bit by bit we come to know Jesus as anything but remote and uninvolved. From time to time he is powerfully real to us, at other times powerfully absent from us. We come to know this is all part of our journey as we renew again and again our consent to him leading us and our desire to work hard and do whatever it takes.

In the Story the Magi, in response to a dream, return to their home by another way. We might become aware that we are returning to our everyday life by another way as we sense our relationship with Jesus is changing. Among the greatest changes is the awareness that we are not alone, but part of Someone who is Good, and who is with us always and in everything. We might find a greater urge to be open and respond to the unexpected grace of the moment without placing any conditions on how we will accept and follow this grace. This itself is a powerful step on our journey as we come to be aware that our journey is a necessary part of everyone else’s. And from time to time we move toward a deepening sense of freedom and peace no matter what is going on around us. We may come to find out that this journey really is worth whatever it takes.